Put A Cork In It, Would you?

I have a physical and emotional reaction to the smell of alcohol on a person's breath. I have an "out of control" feeling when I think someone is drinking too much. It doesn't have to be the person I am with, it can be the person 5 feet away that I will never meet.

It's not a good thing when it is the person I am with. I am getting better at recognizing that feeling and wrestling it under control before things get really ugly. Not every time and not as early as I would like. The fight or flight takes over and I can do both in a very grand fashion.

I love the child in me that feels scared and screams out for a person she can rely on but I dislike when she takes over and makes herself and everyone around her miserable. My counselor has told me I am suppose to remind her that I (yes, me, myself and I) will take care of her but I don't always remember that in time.

I keep trying♥


  1. Recognition is half the battle. Don't beat yourself up, slow and steady, slow and steady!

  2. Something obviously happened to make you feel that way and while I may be unaware of it, I think the fact that you are aware of what you are doing and feeling is only a positive!

    1. I agree. You don’t know what you don’t know.

  3. Just keep trying. The best you can do is the best you can do and that is good enough.

  4. Being raised by an alcoholic I understand the fear. I think you are right about the fight or flight response. Don’t forget the freeze response, which is what I do.
    In Mindfulness we practice the act of just being mindful of what it happening in our bodies. I don’t need to do anything to change the experience, just notice. It is so often scary or terrifying but since I have been just being aware I feel less out of control. Note I didn’t say in control. Just less out of control. I think the issues will always be there and I have to learn to live with them the best I can.

  5. I do am an Adult Child of an Alcoholic. I get it.

  6. I am also an Adult Child of an Alcoholic. I get it, too.


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