Me, Just Sayin’

Mental illness did not kill 26 people. An assault rifle did that. An assault rifle in the hands of a man who bought it legally because the system failed.

Mental illness did not kill 58 people in Las Vegas. Numerous assault rifles did that. I could care less whether he got them legally or illegally… He got them.

This is a gun issue. Plain and simple. How many more times are we going to have this happen before our leaders call a spade a spade?

I’m not saying all guns. That’s not my agenda. But who the hell needs an automatic or semi-automatic gun aside from a soldier?

Ps. If mental illness is the problem, then why do we give them NO real health care and leave them to fend for themselves?

Thank you Donald but we will have to agree to drastically disagree. 


  1. "This is a gun issue. Plain and simple. How many more times are we going to have this happen before our leaders call a spade a spade?"

    HELL YEAH! until the NRA and gun makers are destroyed, and every single gun is seized and melted down, this will continue to happen.

  2. I've made a pledge to vote anti-NRA. That means I vote Democratic Period. End of discussion for me.

    Still, the results from the elections yesterday really couldn't have gone any better. It's a small ripple in a large pond, but gives me tremendous hope.

  3. You are so nice. I would have said, "Fuck You Donalds but we will have to agree to drastically disagree." I love that here a gun victim's boyfriend beat the delegate with an "A" grade from the NRA. Take that dumptruck!

  4. It is incomprehensible to me just why there is such a necessity for anybody to own firearms and even keep them in their home.

  5. I get tired of the blame of mental illness being used as an excuse. I have a mental illness and blaming mass shootings on mental illness only adds to the stigma. Fuck Trump. Fuck his guns. Fuck the NRA. They are the problem, not my mental illness

  6. Gun culture hypocrisy on this issue (and every other gun-related issue) makes me sick.

  7. I agree with each bit you said Dear Linda!

    system has to be much more active and awaken to asum and solve such scary issues because life is precious and nothing can justify such crime to take someone's life away

  8. It is shameful how people with mental illnesses are used as scapegoats for this nonsense. This really angers and frustrates me. People should educate themselves and stop being so ignorant. The vast majority of individuals dealing with mental health issues are no more likely to be violent than anyone else. In fact, they are highly more likely to be victims of violent crime themselves. Grrrr...

  9. There are mentally ill people all over the world, but only when they have easy access to these kinds of weapons do these mass shootings occur. Why is it so hard to understand for some people?
    I know. Let's give everyone nuclear arms because the way they interpret the 2nd amendment it should be perfectly legal!


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