Enthusiasm Not Curbed

On thanksgiving morning I woke early as usual. The Boy Scout had been hard at work the day before prepping for our company so I let him sleep for awhile.  I did something I rarely do.....I ran through McDonald’s for an egg McMuffin. Yea yea...I know, not quality but I was hungry.

While waiting in line I watched a small group of birds bathing in a puddle near a curb.  There is something so joyous about birds bathing.  They flew in, were frightened by a sound or a passing car and flew off and then came right back for more. Flittering here and there. I hated to leave.

It was lovey and worth the empty calories and excessive salt to see their exhuberance. It was a good reminder of being happy in the moment and grateful for what is right before me.

I was.


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