Breathe In, Breathe Out


As i walked down the avenue, the late afternoon sun was turning the lovely and dying sycamore leaves into fragments of brilliant stained glass, and i said to myself, "This alone is worth the price of admission to our broken and glorious world."
This quote reminds me of a certain moment in life a number of years back. We were taking what would turn out to be our last “family” vacation. I knew the kids were spreading their wings and, deep down, I knew that we were falling apart. So in fulfilling a long held dream I booked 6 tickets to Paris and did a home exchange with a family of like size. It was both a wonderful and horrible trip.

The special moment I referred to was so incredible. For a reason I do not recall, I was standing alone at the corner of Place Saint-Andre des Arts and Place Saint Michel. The weather had turned slightly cooler but a warm breeze surrounded me for a few minutes. It was light hearted and gentle and it swirled leaves around my feet and in the street. The bakery the to left of where I was standing smelled magnificent. And although I can admit freely that I am not a fan of accordion music, a older gent standing on the opposite corner played a hauntingly sweet tune (on this I must admit that sometimes I think I may have imagined him). I breathed in deep with my eyes closed wanting to commit the smell to memory. I let loose the sweet air and looked and thought to myself, "I want to remember this moment forever." That was 8 years ago and I still can recall the lovely scent and the warmth of the breeze on my cheek. It was worth every single hard moment of that trip and more.


  1. Thank you for sharing this lovely memory.

  2. Such a great memory! Living in the moment!

  3. Such moments are indeed to be cherished!

  4. And you did it, you kept that moment to remember what was good about the trip. Beautiful.

  5. Wonderful memory! Amazing that it not only still lives inside you, but now is a vicarious memory for the rest of us. Many thanks.

  6. You have a way with words Linda. I could smell that bakery, I could feel the wind and I could hear that accordian player. :)

  7. I'm so glad you have that memory. Those are the things we hold close. I have said many times at a sweet moment with my girl, no matter how this goes, I will always have this moment in time that I can think back on. They are precious gifts. ❤️Thank you for sharing it with us.

  8. Wow! That was a great memory and description of it. It will no doubt trigger some of my own. Thanks!


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