Be Light

Sometimes our light goes out, but is blown again into instant flame by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light.

I love this quote. It brings to mind all the people who helped me get through some of the harder times in my life. Some were always there, as reliable as the air around me. Others stepped in with just a word or a smile and moved back out again. I wish I had documented each of those earthly angels, made a mental card file, so that I could go through it and thank them and while doing so, reminding me to be that same kind of person.

I am that person to my kids for the most part, just as my mother was for me. But it is when we reach out to an acquaintance or stranger, we put ourselves out there, taking a risk and, sometimes, reaping incredible benefits.


  1. Amen! Every time I have what my husband may call over reached out to an acquaintance it has been great except for one time. But all the others went from acquaintances to friends and it's been terrific for us all.

    1. Good for you for being brave. I would like to do it more.

  2. pass on the kindness to someone else, and the light will get brighter.

  3. The best thing we can do is to "pay it forward."

  4. "But it is when we reach out to an acquaintance or stranger, we put ourselves out there, taking a risk and, sometimes, reaping incredible benefits"

    Thanks for the incredible benefits! Meeting you and Birdie and Annette through our blogs has been life changing for me. I would love for all of us to meet in person one day. How incredible would that be?!

    1. That would be amazing.

      I found you through Annette and birdie through you. I have been lifted in spirit and challenged in action by all three of you.

  5. It's always nice to pass on whatever kindness we've received. Everyone needs a little bit of that sometimes.

  6. There are so many good people in this world.


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