Sock It To Ya!!!

I had a dream last night that I was sitting at a table in a restaurant with the Boy Scout and his ex-wife. They were arguing a bit and, out of frustration, I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I heard some shuffling and a strange noise so I went back around the corner to find her on top of him, aggressively kissing him. He wasn’t fighting it.

 I, of course, woke up and slugged him.

Come on, admit it. I can’t be the only one.

Ps. It was playful.


  1. LOL! I have had similar dreams where I woke up mad at hubby, and yes, I have slugged him too!

    1. Thank you sweet lady!!!! I knew I wasn't the only one♥♥

  2. Lol. I never remember dreams. I am glad I don't now!

    1. I don’t usually. I wish I didn’t. Can’t get the picture out of my head. Ahahhahahah

  3. HAHAHA! This was funny :) My husband and I have had dreams like this (we both have exes) and you do want to slug your partner! We haven't...yet...but we do give each other the stink eye throughout the day :)

    1. Stink eye is very effective for getting across a messsge.


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