News - Fake, Good, Bad, Right, Left....LESS

I have decided that following the news in any substantial way is no longer good for me.  It had never occurred to me until my 1st born discussed the concept in a thread with her siblings. It seems that at least three of them have learned to be careful about how they allow news in their lives.  Makes perfect sense. Why would I knowingly add more stress to my life when it does not accomplish ANYTHING?

So, have decided NONE before bed at all! I have committed to take in some slightly left leaning and slightly right leaning so that I get a full picture instead of only what backs up my core beliefs (which have been known to lead me astray). And finally, I commit to balancing any news out with some positive reading. Not just fiction but stuff that fills the soul. 

Melody Beattie, Brene Brown, Don Miguel Ruiz, Michael Singer and John O'Donahue have been great. Cannot wait to see what else is out there.

Do you have something that you turn to regularly or that has touched you profoundly? Please share!


  1. Yoga is great, as is meditation! Hiking is my favourite by far, Linda. News in small doses works well too.

    1. I long to do yoga but it hasn’t worked for me yet. I’ll keep trying though.

  2. My go to Christian type authors are -Emily Freeman(her books are more for high school girls, but her blog is one of my favorite places and doesn't feel high school-y at all) Mark Nepo, Sarah Young, Anne Lamott, Ted Loder's book of poetry Guerillas of Grace, Marianne Williamson's book Illiminata, Shauna Niequist, Sarah Bessey-although I must say reading her blog is better than reading her books...sorry Sarah, and Will Bowen's book To:You Love,GOD. But the best book for me at this moment is Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg. It never fails to inspire me.

    1. Thank you Lolly. I will be looking those up.

  3. Good idea! I withdraw from news regularly for my sanity!

    1. I’m often late to the game. Better late than never.


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