Lest I Repeat Myself

This is a re-blog from three years ago. It warms my heart and brings a smile to my face. So much has changed since the day I posted this. The kids are all good and lovely and I am so proud of each of them. As humans, they are pretty special. I miss the daily interaction but know that they are all where they are suppose to be and I remain here, growing, learning, breathing and, mostly, loving them with all my heart.

Just Being Grateful

Today, I am grateful for so many things that I could go on for way too long.

I will pick a few of the tops.  My oldest, who works so hard at connecting, purposefully touching on subjects that she knows are or thinks may be important. This doesn't come naturally, so I applaud her continual effort to reach out on a deeper level. I also love her acceptance that self care is so necessary. My second, whose intellect astounds me, but whose view on life confuses me. I love the way he has stepped up and showed a surprising maturity. Additionally, he has had an enormous amount of patience for a ranting woman who is trying to do better in this crazy world. Third child, who I miss terribly but who I can count on for logical, practical dialog.  I miss our conversations on politics and current events and religion but I know he is where he needs to be. His steadfast loyalty is comforting. Finally, my baby, who is not a baby at all....her insights on what motivates peoples actions and reactions are uncanny and help me to understand others in a more loving and compassionate way.

an oldie but a goodie

Each of them are so very different but my heart just explodes in my chest for all four as I write this.

I'm doing good today.  N'uf said.

Be kind and grateful♥


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Drita. Hoping business is picking up.

  2. Sounds like you have developed amazing relationships with all of your children; not an easy feat or accomplished by many! Congratulations!

  3. Replies
    1. They were my brood. Now they’re building nests of their own.

  4. Such a wonderful post, Linda. You are truly blessed.

  5. They are all special and beautiful!

  6. You made me cry dear Linda!

    aren't we love our children more than ourselves!

    you are so precious soul ,a gracious mother and loving friend to your kids as i can see through your post how much you miss to be with them.
    while reading you my tears were dropping though have talked to my eldest son(in Germany) on what'sup some moments ago .

    a mother may be has mixture of feelings for her kids,on one hand we want them to grow fast so we can see their happy and prosperous flight!
    on the other hand we can't resist to be always have them close to us as our babies

    1. It is true. We want them near and want them to fly. Better that they fly. Thank you Baili

  7. Forgot to mention that you kids are incredibly adorable and lovely!,may god let you see their long ,happy and healthy living my friend,amen

  8. I’m glad you reposted this. So your kids read your blog? Because they should read this. :-)


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