Fired Up!

As I left the house this morning at 5:45am I was greeted by what must have been an 80° wind. 

What would have at one time brought a smile to my face now just concerns me. Our firefighters and those of our neighboring states are exhausted and overburdened. Fires up north have been the deadliest in California history. 

The wind needs to go somewhere else. The temps need to drop. 

Keep cool my friends and stay safe.


  1. I hope it changes soon for all of you out there. My sister is on the eastern side of Washington state and she has to brush off ash and soot off her car every morning. I can't fathom this. It's all too much. I hope you get relief soon. A rain dance perhaps? :-)

    1. I’d take it. Are you proficient in rain dancing?

  2. When I got to work at 7:20 am, it was 91 out. Planes taking off from John Wayne heading towards the mountains, meaning deadly Santa Ana's. This should be the worse today though, then slowly start heading back down. :: fingers crossed ::

    1. For sure. It’s time to give these poor fire fighters and any poor soul that works in the out-of-doors a break.

  3. It sounds awful :( I hope things get better.


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