My favorite time of year for so many reasons. I love fall colors...even as a wee one I did not care for the spring pinks, blues and yellows. Give me warmth and earth tones any day. I went against my wont and painted my bathroom a pale blue and I am a little regretful each time I walk in.....it makes me feel a little melancholy.

I love fall weather.  Here in Southern California fall means sunny days, cool nights and warm breezes. Sleep is easier, air is dryer and the fall clothing styles suit me well.

And finally....THANKSGIVING!!

My favorite holiday of all. A chance to get together with everyone you love with no obligations but to cook, eat and enjoy each others company. The only stress involved is getting the house ready,  planning and cooking.

Before the world fell apart Thanksgiving was my holiday. I had the perfect house for my big family. Thirty plus people who are my immediate family, the "married into" and the next generation....plus any stragglers who either had no where to go or found our offer to be better than any other they had received that year.

This year WE HAVE IT BACK!!!  My tiny little house will host as many people who are available to come. I have, at least, two bathrooms that work which was way more than I had this time last year or the year before.

Even better......the Boy Scout is already planning the dinner. I will be able to assist him in anyway he needs and be a hostess. This girl does not even have to cook!!! Needless to say, I am feeling grateful. Grateful for holidays, family, Boy Scouts, a tiny little house and for the gift of forgiveness which made way in my heart for gratefulness.

Meanwhile, my girls and I spent a wonderful afternoon and evening together....picking pumpkins and enjoying a nice meal.


  1. I love fall too. Except the short dark days. Right now I a sitting in my fuzzy pink robe that used to belong to my mom and drinking coffee. A good day!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful event that you're planning! Great photos too.

  3. Always great to spend time with your girls! Thanksgiving sounds perfect! You'll be ready!


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