As The Wind Blows

The other day the Santa Ana's came.

For those of you who don't know, Santa Ana's are extremely dry, hot winds that often come this time of year in the Southern California area. The are frequently a problem because the summer has dried things out and the winds are known for fanning small fires into horrific wildfires

I have always loved these Santa Ana's. I don't have the allergies that many people complain about and the warmth and strength of the winds make me feel so alive. They also seem to usher in my favorite time of year...FALL. In addition, the winds are dry as a bone which takes my hair from Janis Joplin to early Cher real quick.

But this year I do not love our Santa Ana's. They have wrecked havoc and destruction. People are being harmed and structures leveled. This beautiful desert that I call home is on fire.

Hoping for relief for those working on and affected by all the fires burning...and soon.


  1. I'm so concerned about these fires!

  2. We had hundreds of fires burning all summer long in my province. They can’t be stopped, only somewhat managed. Now that the rains have come they have burnt out. I do hope you get rain soon and the fires stop. And that no lives are lost.

  3. I hope it doesn't affect you directly, Linda. Much of western Canada has been on fire this past number of months and many people have lost everything. We've seen the news out of Ca. Take care.

    1. All is well in Ventura and near by areas. Grateful.

  4. Let's hope things get under control quickly!

  5. I hope everything resolves quickly. It has been a nasty year for so many, fires, floods, hurricanes. At least we haven't had a plague of locusts. Yet.


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