An Email A Day

I have worked painstakingly over the last three years tried to change my default thought process from negative to positive, from discontented to peaceful, from worry to grateful. I have made vast strides with frequent dips back the other direction but I am pretty pleased. How many people can say that they have even made a dent in changing their base personality? Failing often but overall  doing better and better.

One of the things I do that has helped me is to try to start my day off right.  I attempt to wake with the thoughts of what I am grateful for today and I check in first thing with a daily Word For The Day email that reminds me there is more than one way to look at things. 

Catastrophizing is something I am very good at. These days I may share concerns and I may have a knot in my stomach but I also know that most things seem to work out OK and it is a waste of my precious hours on this planet thinking about the worst that can happen rather than the possibilities for growth and change. 

It's a lot of work but well worth the effort.


  1. Time spent on self-improvement is always time well spent. I applaud you!

  2. And such a happier way to live. Have a great day!

  3. I am always grateful when I wake up breathing in the morning.

    1. I wish it were that simple for day.

  4. I am new to your blog so I am assuming this was something large to make you make these changes. I applaud you for doing the work. Some are too lazy and would prefer to just complain but you are walking the walk Linda and that is damn impressive!! I wish you all good things my blogger friend.

  5. It is definitely worth the effort. Bravo to you!


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