Who Are We?

There are six of us...we are a unit but separate. We are so similar but so different.
  1. Pam - one short term marriage once a very long time ago. Dog and horse lover (all animals really), introvert, smoker, intensely tough and serious, liberal, guarded and independent. A tender heart covered with scars and crust. Childless (except for the pets), amazing work ethic, loyal.
  2. Sally - married twice. The first one was long and he was fairly horrible but she did a great job the second time around. Mother of two boys, grandmother to 6. I once was very close to her but not as much now. Wound tight, extrovert, liberal, remembers every bad thing that you ever did, nurse, confusing to me. Great work ethic, loyal.
  3. Laurie - still married to her high school sweetheart. I often wonder how she got it so right. Thoughtful, very introverted, over time has become a great mom to her three kids, grandmother of 5, I would go to her with any problem and know she would consider it carefully, looking at all sides. Somewhat conservative. Great work ethic, loyal.
  4. John - married twice but more relationships than I can count. Troubled father of 3, grandfather of 2 but does not get to see them. Black sheep, introvert, perpetual victim, believes in every conservative conspiracy theory, thinks Hilary is devil spawn, user of people, smoker and toker. My relationship with him makes me sad but some people are just better to keep at a distance. I don't know much about his work ethic but I know I could call him tomorrow and he would be here in a hour just as I would with him.
  5. Me - married once, partnered up now and doing things different. 4 kids, decent mother, introvert, constant learner, follower of the God of love, liberal, feminist and bitch. Great work ethic and loyal.
  6. Tommy - married to a wonderful woman. Two boys, dedicated father, mega introvert, don't see him nearly as much as I would like, fairly liberal, soft spoken (can't hear a word he says) and lovely. Great work ethic and loyal.
I love my sibs but like most familial relationships...complex. Our interactions with others were forever altered by being raised with a man who could not stop drinking and who would not stop cheating but it also helped in developing a wonderfully, deep and rich relationship with our mother. Always give and take


  1. I think what connects me so deeply to my brother is we both suffered greatly at the hand of our biological father. We are both very sensitive but other than that, have little in common. And yes, he would be here in an hour if I needed him.
    Do you and your siblings get together as a group and does everyone get along?

    1. All of us (except for John) still do most holidays. We are having a huge party on Sunday to celebrate one the the next generation returning home after living in Alabama for 10 years. Cannot wait to see everyone.

  2. I only have one brother and we are close. We don't see each othe often but it is great when we do. The dynamics of families is so interesting!

    1. It really is. I love the bond that can be difficult to replicate outside the family.

  3. I only have one brother and we are close. We don't see each other oftenut when we do, it's great!

  4. I love your description the best! We can't choose from where we came, but we can choose where we want to go. I am so jealous of anyone who has siblings.

    1. I knew when I got married 30 years ago to the Secret Keeper that I wanted to give my kids the same thing I had. The love of siblings is a wonderful thing.

  5. There were 7 of us. I am 3 of 7. We all endured growing up with an alcoholic father. Sadly, two of my siblings are gone now. We are scattered all over the country; however, when we get together the love is palpable. But as you say, complex.

    1. Ohhhh Colette. I would love to hear about your family.

      I love how comfortable I feel in a big group when the group is them. No social discomfort or awkwardness....just contented comfort.

  6. We are all shaped by our past, and it's our choice whether to be a victim or survivor. I chose to be a survivor, I'm glad you did too.

  7. I love the blog post, and you helped me make such a fun card with it!



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