Teach Me

I want to learn how to:

  • SURF - I've been saying it for too long. When will I just do it? I wish I didn't dislike being cold so much or, perhaps, lived in Hawaii. It would make it so much easier.
  • SPEAK FRENCH - I've taken a class or two and I purchased a program to help but my hearing impairment has made it a little hard. I keep trying and I can parle un peu de français but I'd love to be somewhat fluent.
  • FLIRT - how do some people just know how? And is it ok for an old gal like me to do it? I'm not sure but it would be fun to try. My sister talks about highly estrogenized women....kind of the Marilyn Monroe type. Maybe I need more estrogen.
  • MORE TOLERANCE - of the views of others even if it seems incredibly stupid (Trump lovers).
  • MEDITATE - and gain control of my anxiety.
  • ELIMINATE EXPECTATIONS FROM MY MIND - no longer thinking that someone will or should do this or that. Being in the moment and living life (As I type this my stomach is in a knot).
So many other things.....this is my short list or at least what I can think of right now.
One thing I have learned and learned well over the past 4 years is forgiveness and I am a better person for it. If you need to, keep trying. It's worth it.


  1. I would love to know the secret to forgiveness.
    My other half is a Slavic linguist so traveling in foreign countries has always been a great and easy experience (as long as I keep quiet).
    This post will stay in my mind for the rest of the day.

    1. It's a daily practice until you just don't have to think about it anymore. Well worth the work. Step 4 in AA is what got me going.

  2. I just know that some day soon you will flirting in French with a Trump supporter while surfing.

  3. Forgiveness is a tremendous gift to another and yourself! I so agree!

    I agree with Debra!

  4. I can help you with the flirty stuff if you want to practice on me. I'm pretty sure we are at a safe distance to do that.
    I can't seem to get time and instruction on meditation, but have learned some breathing exercises that are highly effective in reducing anxiety.
    Haven't surfed since I was a kid and not sure the replacement knees would be too happy about doing it again.
    French? Had a little in 7th grade. Can't help there.
    Everything else is a work in progress.


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