Shoo To The Flu

It is a magical early morning. There's a beautiful cloud cover....various shades of gray masses. The still dark morning sky peeking through here and there. Some of the clouds are slightly tinged with pink from the just rising Sun. The air is cool and still. It's very quiet or at least it seems quiet to me. I miss my morning runs at this time of day but I no longer feel quite safe down at the beach this early. There's not enough of us early risers to make me feel comfortable with my leisurely jog among the homeless and the addicted. 

Trying to get over the flu, I've been a little down and, perhaps, cranky. But this morning reminds me of the things I am grateful for as I pull into the driveway at my office. My introverted tendencies making me glad that mine is the only car around (like it would be any other way at 6:00 am) as I will have it a little bit of time alone before things start to bustle with the energy of these wonderful people. I recorded this stream of consciousness and I've kind of enjoyed the hearing my deep raspy voice that's a left over from what was a pretty decently sore throat and hacking cough. Now I just sound like a heavy smoker or maybe a little Emma Stone. 

Feeling a bit better and ready to face the day. Grateful♥


  1. My introverted self enjoyed your description of the sky and the start of your day. Hope it's a good one.

  2. Nothing like a little fresh a clear the lungs and the mind.


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