It's A Rat Race

Day 3 or 4 with Scabbers.

Got a the house. Evading all traps and tricks. Flips us off as he slowly walks by. Somehow the dog is afraid of it. Surely it is in the cupboard right now building a nest to invite all of his ratty ass friends. Bleach wipe-downs do not make me feel at ease. 

Although, as rats go, he is kinda cute..........I want him dead. Sorry but DEAD.

I want my kitchen back. I want the construction done so all the holes in our house are plugged and secured and so I can go on my rat-free way.

Did you know:
  • An adult rat can squeeze into your home through a hole as small as the size of a quarter.
  • According to the Guinness Book of World Records the longest lived domestic rat died at seven years and four months of age (which far exceeds the 2-3 year expected lifespan.)
  • Rats have a powerful social chain of command. The largest and strongest rats will get the best food and harborage.
  • A group of rats is called a mischief.
  • Rats make happy “laughter” sounds when they play.
  • Rats have excellent memories. Once they learn a navigation route, they won’t forget it.
I had a rat as a child.  Hector was an excellent pet! He was engaging and had favorite people. He did not, however, live in our kitchen, play on our counter tops or eat our bagels. He was a far better house guest than the current rattus in residence.


  1. Ack! I wouldn't want a rat in the house either. The photos were funny! My daughter wanted a pet rat at one point but decided on a ferret in the end. I have a friend that had a pet rat many years ago. She said it was the best pet she'd ever had.

  2. I would want it gone too, Linda. There is no cute when it comes to rats.

  3. Just killed a family of8
    Guilty , yes, but pleased too

  4. One time I should tell the story on my blog about my mom seeing a rat in her house and my dad's mission to kill it. My mom did not think it was funny but it was so funny. After the rat was dead of course.

  5. The other day As my husband chased the baby rat away, I chased my husband to get the baby rat to safety!!!! Needless to say I won! The rat must go but it must go alive! Lol! You did make me laugh! He is no Hector is he!


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