Go Soak Your Head

Last night I had my first bath in months!

No, I don't have hydrophobia. The tub was removed from the house about 16 months ago. Eight weeks after it was removed a shower was put in its place. More grateful for that shower than I can express but, truth be told, I am a tub gal. 

Under that cardboard is a nice little tub♥
Well the master bath construction continues but the tub is in! So, with no real walls, no windows, no flooring or lights....I got in my new tub. The Boy Scout set out towels and used a pliers to turn the water on. The air was chilly, the water was near scalding as I sunk in and closed my eyes. This is home. It's in my genes. My mama was the same way and, as I have written before, she and I shared many a special moment as she soaked in the tub after a long, hard day at work and I sat near by, catching up with the days events or just being together. She probably would have rather been alone but she never said so that I can remember.

The bath tub is my sanctuary. The one place that I can turn my brain off and not think. Maybe it's my form of meditation. I'll take it!


  1. Two weeks of my favourite things are reading and taking a bath. And clean bedsheets. Small things that make a day wonderful.

  2. Many's the time a nice hot bath has calmed me down.

  3. what meditating writing .
    i am so glad that you had your bath tub back my friend!
    i can imagine your joy

  4. Nothing like a nice warm bath after a long day. Enjoy the new bath!


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