Getting the Job Done

I love being in business. I love that my business has flourished over the years and that it has allowed me to grow, be challenged and have tremendous flexibility. I enjoy what I do for the most part but am not a believer in the whole "We must love and be passionate about what we do to be successful" idea. I think that is similar to the BIG lie they taught us girls in the 70's and 80's....that we could have it all. We couldn't have it all. Most of us got by just barely and dealt with the guilt of knowing that we could have done some of it...the housework, job, raising kids and being a partner....much better if only we weren't spread as thin as a rail. I am not "passionate" about my job but I am responsible and do it well.

All that being said, I get tired. I get tired of being responsible for just about everything, for every decision, for the future. Today I am tired.

That's today and tomorrow will be better.

Do you ever get tired of the weight of the world? What do you do to feel better?


  1. I don't feel that kind of tired since I retired. I am busy but everything is on a flexible schedule.

    When I worked, I felt overwhelmed, especially around the holidays, when in-laws came to our home and I was responsible for Christmas. My take is that holiday events happen and men show up. Anyway, I don't feel like that any more because I can do everything over an extended time and hubby does things he sees which need doing on an on-going basis.

    A massage or a manicure always helped me. Exercise is what I use today. My daughter prefers a hot bath. A good book is another favourite of mine.

    Time out for yourself is always good!

    1. I'm taking your advice....getting a mani-pedi. A treat I don't get often and enjoy tremendously.

  2. My job does take its toll on me. I have a bath every night before bed and go to bed early. I am also very careful to not push myself too far.

  3. Replies
    1. Blogging causes me a little stress but it is cathartic so I continue. Art is a wonderful release💜


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