A Different Kind of Love

Can you love someone that you have never met? Not the way one loves an actor or a national hero, but truly love?

My sweet friend in healthier days.
Five years ago I met the most wonderful woman on Happier.com. Happier was one of the first steps I took to start changing my life. I was still living in craziness when I found that app. It was basically social media but everyone on Happier made a choice to be positive, uplifting and happy-focused. When I got on, I set about finding a community and boy did I ever. I "met" about 50 people that helped me on the journey to a better way of life. One of the people I met is Sharon. Happy and sweet, positive and captivating, we became friends. Sharon is Native Alaskan by heritage and when we met she was living with her partner Stevie in Mekoryuk on a tiny island called Nunivak, off the coast of Alaska.

Sharon is a fighter. Our Happier and Facebook communities have been beside her as best we could as she battled Metastatic Breast Cancer. She has shared her ups and downs in such a honest and accessible way that one couldn't help but love her. Just weeks ago, our community got together to make sure that she could go back home to Alaska (she had been forced to move to Texas with her father and brother for better access to healthcare) to see her Stevie for, very likely, one last time. So very grateful she was able to handle the trip, see her beloved pets and eat the traditional foods that she had missed while away.

Stevie and Sharon♥
Now our friend is in the hospital and the drawbacks of having an online community are so apparent. Not one of us has been able to find out what is going on and we have not heard from her in days which is very unlike her. I knew this time was coming. We have watched her go downhill and share the heartbreak of the cancer spreading to first her spine and now her brain.

I am not a believer in intercessory prayer. I am a believe in gratefulness and love and helping a friend and listening to those who need to be heard. I love me some Sharon and I am hoping that she is comfortable and feeling peace. I hope to talk to her again but I don't know if that is likely to happen.

Maybe I am wrong, maybe she is a hero. Either way I love her.

Update: Our sweet Sharon is home but has decided she is done fighting.


  1. So sorry to hear about your friend, Linda. On-line friendships can touch the soul as much as any friend. Take care!

    1. I am grateful to know her. Each person that enriches this world the way she does is a wonderful thing.

  2. Okay, so you brought me to tears this afternoon. We have to cherish our friendships online or in person...

  3. Yes we do. I agree wholeheartedly

  4. I have been blogging for 13 years and have lost blogging friends. It's so hard to explain to someone who doesn't understand the deep connections we can have with one another.

    My heart goes out to you. Holding your hand through this sad time.

    1. This is a first for me but I know it's not about me. It's about her and I will do what
      I can to be there in any way. So glad to have shared her sweet spirit and learn from her gentle heart

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet friend. This is such a lovely tribute to her. We meet some amazing people online and they take up space in our heart.

    1. They do indeed. Each person shares something special. I am so glad to have "met" you too.

  6. Oh bless her sweet heart . I am glad she has friends like you ..


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