Time To Get Moving

At times I get so antsy. I think I might be a lot like my grandma. She had a lot of nervous energy and quelled it by chewing Chiclets gum and smoking. Don't get me wrong, she moved around a lot but in small ways, darting here and there, making pot after pot of coffee. I too have a lot of nervous energy. There is a voice inside of me that reminds me how limited my time is on this planet and how I am way too young to start being stagnant. Sitting watching television takes a strange self discipline on my part. I often have to combine it with doing other things. Ironing is a good one, games on my iPad is another. And that is for night time TV.....daytime TV is that much harder. I kinda want to scream, "There's a great big world out there,  people to know, places to see, things to do. Why sit and pretend to live when life is outside these 4 walls?" I still want to go do cartwheels on the beach. I want to feel a warm breeze on the streets of Paris, bask in the sun on a catamaran in a bay on Sikinos, lose myself in an old bookstore. Why watch TV when you can watch a sunset? I know there is a time and place for everything but I like the TV thing to be pretty limited.

We went to our church picnic on Saturday. It was fun but I miss the way having young children easily integrates you into the social activities. As an introvert, I have to work hard at being engaged and seeking people out. I will hone in on one person and go through my mental repertoire of what I remember about them and what I can ask. After hitting a stride, hopefully I get to do what I do best, which is actually getting to know a person. Not the surface shit like what they do for a living but why they chose their profession and what they love about it. Or figure out through questions how they relate to others. I want to know what makes them tick not what they feed Fido. 

Afterwards we went home and the Boy Scout napped. I got disgruntled, feeling antsy again, and picked a little fight that, thankfully, was over quickly. I need to find ways to burn my energy on my own. When my life started over at 51, I thought I might find someone that would be really active like me. But I fell in love with a guy who is far more kick back and whose body has been beat up by life. His laid back attitude is a very good compliment to my tightly strung self. I am grateful. 


  1. My Rare One is like you. She's the Queen of the Multitaskers! Always got to be doing at least 3 things at once. I get tired just watching her.

  2. My husband is the busy one, I am the laid back one. However, social interaction is usually initiated by me.

    Tv is in the background for me. Hubby doesn't watch at all.

    1. He's got the energy problem like me. Just can't do it.

  3. I'm always doing something else while watching tv. I even find it hard anymore to relax with a book. I get up and do something, then come back and read, then get up and do something else, etc. I can relate to being an introvert. I despise situations where you have to make small talk. I just stall. -Jenn

    1. Books require breaks for me. I do better with audio.

  4. My Rare One is like you. She's the Queen of the Multitaskers! Always got to be doing at least 3 things at once. I get tired just watching her.



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