Let's Probe This A Little Deeper

Frank is a very personal friend of mine....

Well not really but I have known him for 27 years. I started seeing him after experiencing 4 miscarriages and, lo and behold, found myself pregnant. My OB Gyn sent me to see Frank. He is the ultrasound tech for my group. We started out pretty young, Frank and I. I was 25, he was probably a little over 30. I was a shy Mormon raised girl....he was a man with a mission. TV and movies usually show the tech using a tranducer that looks like this:

I was one of the lucky ones that got this:

After my mother was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer I started visiting Frank yearly. You would think that after 27 years of sticking that thing where the sun don't shine that Frank would remember, if not my name, at least my face.  Every year, year after year, I enter and first thing he says is, "Have you been here before?".  This year I just said, "We are old friends Frank....I know the drill....let's get this thing done."

It no longer bothers me like the first few did. After 4 kids and more exams than I could count, I don't give it any more thought than getting my nails done. One of my sisters feels kind of sick for a week prior to her yearly. She just hates it. 

When finished I almost asked Frank if he wanted to go out and have a cigarette but the humor might have fallen short. Got my results....all is clear as best as they can tell. I don't borrow trouble so I'll see my good friend Frank next June.

Too personal?  Ah well.....it is what it is.


  1. Hee heeee hee, you think maybe he purposefully 'forgets' all the names and faces, but I can't think what would inspire anyone to become an OBGyn.... That said, I'm glad you received a clean bill of health.

    1. I've always felt the same about that. Who wants to spend their lives looking at vaginas? To each his own I guess.

  2. I don't think it's your FACE that Frank would remember best, lol!

  3. My poor daughter was 5 days post partum when she developed a fever and abdominal pain. We took her to the ER. They wanted to check to see, if by chance, part of her placenta was retained. That poor poor girl had to have that wand thingy Ultrasound at 5 days post partum. I think we both cried after it was over. They found that she had a UTI. Glad your results were good.

    1. Not fun under the best of circumstances but very hard when in pain and feeling vulnerable. Glad it was something very treatable♥ Thinking about you every day and hoping you are getting relief.

  4. And men complain about a prostate exam!! I've been there, done that. At least my tech was a woman. -Jenn

    1. It's true I didn't like the exam, but never complained. At least they found the cancer and got rid of it.

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