Pussy Grabbers Beware

It finally happened. I made the mistake of putting something slightly political on Facebook and a small explosion occurred. I've made it a personal policy to keep my FB free of politics except for hitting an occasional LIKE but I made the mistake of putting "Our President just shoved the Prime Minister of Montenegro" and BAM. Beware of those people who you have NOT unfriended because you did not want to insult them but blocked their posts so you did not have to interact. They are still seeing your stuff and, unfortunately, they can still respond. 

Sorry...I couldn't resist
Honestly, Trump behaved inappropriately and it was an embarrassment. This friend of a friend went off......I won't repeat all the nonsense she barfed up in addition to #fakenews and "anemic, pathetic former president" but I will say I exercised restraint and remained pretty happy. I deleted the post to stay true to my original commitment, made a statement letting others know why and I blocked that gal who is, perhaps, a little off. Done and done. I got a hold of my dearest friend Jill because I knew she would be the one to bare the brunt of this interaction. I was right...she had been inundated with calls and texts. All good there. 

Meanwhile, this is my fucking blog so sod off if you don't like what I have to say! Just kidding, I want to hear a well reasoned argument, I have to try to remain calm when it comes to PUSSY GRABBERS, woman haters, shallow minded ignoramuses but I will make an honest attempt (The Boy Scout is smiling right now as he knows that my attempts do not always produce good results).

On another note, I found this fairly amusing:


  1. Love your post today! Can't argue with you because I totally agree with you!

  2. I've got your back on this one! It is your blog, tell it like it is!

  3. It's amazing how some people lose their minds when you talk about politics. Religion, too.

  4. So many people are still for him and I CANNOT.FATHOM.THAT! My skin crawls, the hair on the back of my neck stands up, my blood starts to boil whenever I hear him speak. I huff and puff and tsk my tongue at all of the BS he spews...it makes me crazy that other people can't see him for the liar that he is! Phew! That felt good. I'm with ya on this one Linda. And I don't post anything political on FB. Honestly?? I don't do well with confrontation and the DJT blowback would render me mute.

    1. Yes, it felt good to take control and render them mute. I fumed yesterday at the hearings when John McCain (who I have always admired) asked ridiculous and misleading questions that did not even make sense in an attempt to make Comey look foolish. I have a feeling Comey might be a key person in the UNDOING of this hell we call #45.


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