Let It Begin With Me

I love the idea of a relationship being a safe haven. It is only an idea to me at this point because I am not nearly trusting enough find that in anyone anymore and I am aware enough to know that I too have to be a safe haven to the partner in my life in order to have that in return.

In some ways I am a safe haven. I am reliable, honest, extremely loyal and Jiminy Cricket keeps me on the straight and narrow but I am explosive in my fear and anger and that is never good.

I need to be the safe person I desire my partner to be.


  1. It should be safe..but humans are soo human......expectations have to be tempered in my experience xx

    1. Expectations are the root of many an evil. I've only learned that recently though. Who knew? I thought it was normal to expect certain things but, alas, I was wrong.

  2. HE needs to be the safe person YOU desire him to be too. No judgement...just sayin'. Love you friend.

    1. Do you have that Lolly? I cannot fathom being able to trust that way. I know what I want but I think John is right. Expectations must be tempered

  3. We are all learning. And it takes work. I think you are likely too hard on yourself though. Most of us are. If you find a way not to be, let me know.

  4. Oops. I hit publish too soon. I was going to say if you find a way not to be hard on yourself let me know because I am so hard on myself. I think if we could figure out a way not to be we would be rich. Spiritually and monetarily. Can those two go together?

    1. I am learning to be ok with where I am in my progress but it's work every single day.


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