
I've got a nasty little head cold, ache from head to foot and feeling rather hungry. The suggested colonoscopy at 50 is scheduled for 8:30 in the a.m. (only three years late), so I am on a fast.  I don't mind the not eating part much, it doesn't really bug me but I want ibuprofen something fierce!!  My head is pounding.

Looking forward to having this all done and over. I wish it wasn't on a Monday because I could celebrate at our favorite Mexican food Juans but they are closed on Mondays. Ah well, I'll figure out something good.

Have a great week 👨🏽‍⚕️


  1. Get into a hot bath. And go to bed.

    I have colon cancer in my family and I should probably get a colonoscopy soon. I'm 46 so I have a bit of time.

    1. Nice to know once you have it, that you don't have to go back for a good long while.

  2. I hope you feel better soon. And I hope all goes well with your exam tomorrow!

    1. Thanks Martha. It's all good. Minor things in the big picture.

  3. Hope you enjoyed the colonoscopy! They sure give you good drugs for that.

    1. Not sure I "enjoyed" but it's done ✅. Back on track tomorrow

  4. Sounds like all went well. Now you won't have to do that again for 10 years!


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