Pants on Fire

Do you lie? If you do, do you know why you do it? 

Do you know someone that does?

Everyone lies, at least a little, whether to themselves or others. I've got a ton of work to go but, thankfully, refraining from lying is not one of the things in which I have to put a ton of effort. Unfortunately, I find myself skint on trust which can make lying a real problem for me. 

It's good to remember that I am only responsible to how I react to the lies. I cannot fix the liar....thank plate is full working on me.


  1. I do lie sometimes. I have called into work "sick" when I am tired or going through a depression. I'm trying to think of other times because I know I do but it's not often.

    1. Depression is being sick but I hear ya. It's too bad it's not acceptable to say I can't do it today. I've done it for sure.

  2. I will tell a white lie, now and again, especially if it's to avoid hurting someone's feelings. But I can't tell big lies. I feel guilty and it shows in my face.

    1. Guilty as charged!!! It just doesn't occur to me to tell big ones. I know it'll bite me back way harder than the truth.


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