This Is NOT A Man's World

to me, simply means that I desire for gender equality in the workplace, home,
in our county and in this world. It does not mean, in any way, shape, or form,
that I dislike men. I love men. That being said, our society has, starting at a
very young age, worked hard to make women and girls feel inadequate. How
else would the beauty industry reach sales of $426 BILLION in 2013? I buy into
it as much as many. I spend a butt load of money on anti-aging
moisturizers, a couple of grand per year on keeping my hair "up", got
out of buying mascara by having eyelash extensions done every 10 days, and I've
threatened to have Botox on my number 11's. I will do what I feel
comfortable doing while, hopefully, bouncing my choices off of what society
expects of me and whether that is reasonable or not.

do not want to shame men the way my gender has been shamed for being: too fat,
too flat, too ugly, too emotional, too stupid, what I'd like to do is challenge
them to review their belief system and how it got there. And finally I would
like to recognize that this shit doesn't belong to women alone. Crap like this
infiltrates race relations, the LGBT community, religious tolerance, etc. Our world works so much better when we throw away stereotypes and work
together with a little understanding.
Finally, a note to men....
When we as a gender (50.9% of the world population) tend to do
things a bit different than you, it might be good for you to remember that you
don't have a corner on the market on how things should be done. If there are
studies done that irrefutably show that we, as women, golf slower, or drive
faster or shop longer or parent different or have a distinctive work ethic,
perhaps you should get over your damn selves and realize that doesn't make it makes it different.
Amen to your last sentence.