Feeling My Age

How old are you and, more importantly, how old do you feel?

I had a fun talk the other day with a shopkeeper in a funky little clothing shop. She was a bit older than me, perhaps 60, with a cute hair cut with bangs and shoulder length. We exchanged greetings and then, out of the blue, I inquired if I could ask her a personal question.

I'm so curious about this whole aging thing but it feels mysterious to me. I see gals my age in their Talbots or conservative clothing...their fancy jewelry and cropped hairdos and I cannot relate. It's not that I don't think they are beautiful. It just seems as if I am still waiting to grow up. I love my jeans, anything kinda BOHO, casual shoes and funky jewelry....but mostly I still love my long hair.

I asked her if she ever wondered if there was a time when it was no longer appropriate. She got it!! She knew exactly what I was talking about. Nobody wants to be that really strange person from early memories that reminded you of the witch in Hansel and Gretel. We discussed at length who we were and how we perceived ourselves and our conclusion? We both still feel very young inside. I put myself at about 24. I still feel strong and flexible. I still love junky candy and blowing bubbles with my gum. I still feel like I have a lot of maturing to do. She felt about the same only closer to 19. Do my Coldwater Creek friends feel the same? Is something wrong with the way I think? I wouldn't know. The shopkeeper and I agreed that neither of us had any intention of making major changes anytime soon.

I'll let you know when I decide to grow up and chop my hair off and dress like Hillary Clinton but don't hold your breath.

How old do you feel?


  1. Thanks for making me laugh! I detest the way Hilary dresses! I mean, who actually dresses like that? All those matching suits with jacket and slacks in matching color...just like the Garanimals I used to dress my kids in as toddlers! Is that what business women are wearing these days? Maybe I'm out of touch. I wear jeans and T-shirts alot! Mostly I wear tank tops cuz I'm always so damn warm. I feel like my age is 21-ish. But my creaky knees would tell you otherwise. And I would LOVE to chop off my hair...again because I feel so overly warm all the time.

    1. Hahahaha, I remember Garanimals well! Talk about matchy-matchy

      I too have had a personal summer come over me but it's been nice since I was always freezing before.

      Hope you're well ♥

  2. I wonder how HC would dress if she was allowed to dress herself.

    1. Interesting thought. I get the impression she felt older even when she was young but whose to say. Hopefully, not like she dresses now....let's admit it...she had to dress for a man's world.

    2. That she does. I love that I get to wear scrubs for my job. I am always comfortable.

  3. I'm 65, but in my mind I like to imagine I am about 12. Last month I chopped off my long hair and now have a short haircut requiring absolutely no care. I live in Florida and it is just too darn hot for all that hair.

    I am actually glad Hillary wears pantsuits and doesn't choose to wear skirts and totter around on high heels. I view her pantsuits as a political statement. I'm hoping she spends her free time thinking about policy and global issues instead of reading fashion magazines.

    1. I am afraid this came off as rude or angry. I had a smile on my face the entire time I wrote it. In fact, I was quite happy to be asked about aging, long hair, and fashion. Women in my age group don't often get asked about such things. Thanks for thinking deeply and raising these issues! They might be more important than you think. Don't cut your hair until you think it makes you look better cut short. And that may never happen.

    2. No offense taken and I agree that her clothing should be a NON issue in politics. I'm just glad that my career did not require me to make choices that simply were not me. I like your advice....not until it looks better short. I'll trust my hair dresser for that. He's brutally honest after 15 years...he'll let me know. Have a great day Colette.


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