Welcome October🍂
The weather is finally
turning a bit. Last week’s blasts of furnace like heat has been replaced with
perfect sunny days that are complimented by occasional cool breezes. Waking
this morning brought the surprise of a little chill (meaning somewhere in the
mid-50's) and the need for my furry slippers that were buried deep within my

Yesterday afternoon we
played golf with a new friend and I realized that the orange balls that I have
grown attached to are not so good when lying amongst the orange and golden
leaves from the surrounding trees; back to boring white. By the 17th hole,
despite my fleece sweater and vest, I was done in by the cold wind and hunger.
Signs of fall are all over the place.
We are in week 6 of no
bathroom. It started like this:
But two weeks ago we got this:
First world problems I know but I cannot stress enough what
a difference that one addition has made to the quality of life in this
household. Beyond grateful!
Have a fabulous fall week.🍁
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