Welcome October🍂

The weather is finally turning a bit. Last week’s blasts of furnace like heat has been replaced with perfect sunny days that are complimented by occasional cool breezes. Waking this morning brought the surprise of a little chill (meaning somewhere in the mid-50's) and the need for my furry slippers that were buried deep within my closet. 

Waking with the weather on the cool side makes for perfect running conditions, yet today I opted for warm snuggles with my man. Unfortunately, the cooler weather also brings our farty, snorty, snoring dog that creeps up and hides, tucked somewhere within the folds of the Boy Scout's warm sleeping body. He pretends he doesn't notice but I know he's full of it. Fur and smelly dog slobber does not intimidate the Boy Scout in the least but I am utterly adverse to it, especially on the pillows where I lay my head or the blankets I tuck under my nose.

Yesterday afternoon we played golf with a new friend and I realized that the orange balls that I have grown attached to are not so good when lying amongst the orange and golden leaves from the surrounding trees; back to boring white. By the 17th hole, despite my fleece sweater and vest, I was done in by the cold wind and hunger. Signs of fall are all over the place. 

We are in week 6 of no bathroom.  It started like this:

But two weeks ago we got this:

First world problems I know but I cannot stress enough what a difference that one addition has made to the quality of life in this household. Beyond grateful!

Have a fabulous fall week.🍁


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