No Gloom Today

Tuesday afternoon was spent on the
municipal golf course in Santa Barbara. It was a gorgeous day.
Living on the coast of California, one
can often expect what we term as "June Gloom". It is exactly that but
sometimes June Gloom can last from May to July. While grateful that the June
gloom can keep us fairly cool as the temperatures rise inland, it can wear on a
person after awhile. But not yesterday, the sun broke through and there was a
cool wind with the temps being in the high 60's to low 70's.
I finally scored under 100...WOOOOOOT!,
and did so without too many ugly errors. Played the 18 holes with the Boy Scout
and his two best friends and held my own. Golf has been a great learning
experience albeit an expensive one. It tests me in my sportsmanship, attitude
and comfort zone; sometimes all at the same time.
Afterwards, we went to dinner at a place
that I would not choose and ate food that I would not choose but it's ok...we
do things like that for the ones we love. Also, practicing being a good sport
and unselfish may help teach me how to actually be a good sport and LESS selfish as a
default. One thing I have learned over the last two years is that
practicing a healthy dose of altruism is a great way to go. That doesn't mean
being walked on; I have my boundaries. It does mean taking others desires into
account at any given time and weighing the cost. It costs me very little to
rise to the occasion that day.
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