Surviving the Crumbling

Spent my morning run being grateful. Not grateful for what I have, those things are fleeting. If I have learned one thing in this past couple of years is that the "things" we value can disappear in a moments notice. Objects, friendships, marriages can crumble to the ground.

The trick is learning to find something to be grateful for even as the crumbling occurs.

I am truly thankful for the knowledge that a grateful heart, especially with the help of a loving community, can weather almost anything.

In addition to that life lesson, I've learned to try to live in the moment. This morning was crisp, with a light chilly breeze. Not too many people around but the few I did encounter seemed to be enjoying the morning as much as I was. The estuary had been ravaged by some very high tides but knowing how nature reinvents itself over and over gave me comfort and the birds didn't seem to mind the damage at all as they flitted about and fed themselves.

The hazy sun sparkled off the water and made my eyes wet. I caught my breath with the beauty of the moment. The only thing that might have made it better would have been the ability to share it with someone. But maybe not...perhaps it was meant just for me. I love this city I live in.

Have a beautiful day.


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