Finding A New Home

Sunday was a great day at church. The latest series is basically about bridging the gap between science and faith and how we, as Christians, can reconcile both. Challenging and thought provoking.

We have grown to love this little church in a way that has surprised and delighted. Having done the rounds to quite a few churches in town, the first time we visited here the pastor was starting a series that basically addressed many of the questions that I have had my entire adult Christian life. The questions that always made me feel like an outsider when the other ladies in the room were taking-in the information like grape kool-aid (ok, ok....not a nice way to put it). Since then, we've never looked back...this is home. The pastor, Bob, is highly intelligent and well read and is able to assemble a difficult message in an approachable manner. Often times, when the Boy Scout and I leave the building, we look at each other with a great big WOW!

Feeling grateful for this new church home and looking forward (as only an introvert can) to becoming a part of this new family.


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