Positive Thinking

Happy New Years!

Four days in and things are going well. No big arguments, no resenting, just fairly open communication and thinking things through before the mouth opens. Wahoooo!  Small victories.

I missed golfing with my ladies but still had a wonderful weekend. Practice on the driving range was super and our new church is becoming more and more a home. A movie with two of my favorite men and some really good meals.

Son #2 left to go back to Portland. There was an ache in my heart not only because he was leaving but also due to the fact that it really wasn't a homecoming, it was a visit. I have no room for him...we did some rearranging and it worked out ok but, just the same, it was clear he didn't feel at home any more. It makes sense. He didn't even get to help us move from our family house to this one. We packed whatever was left in his bedroom, sold some of it, and the rest is in storage. Aside from pictures, there are no signs that he belongs. A normal stage of life...I know it's true, but that doesn't mean I welcome it. He excitedly sets off for India in just a few days and I'm grateful that this amazing opportunity was within our means but who would have thought that pushing the hatchlings out of the nest was going to be so painful.

Still, 2016 is going to be a good year. I already know this because, despite the sorrow of mental illness and struggles with loved ones, good is based on attitude and thoughts rather than circumstance.


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