But For The Grace of God

I used to think that this slogan, But For The Grace of God, was demeaning. Almost a "God looked kindly at me but weren't so lucky" kind of mentality.

It's taken on a new meaning now. It reminds me to check my ego and develop my empathy and compassion in a deeper, more effective way. It allows me to set aside my "go to" feelings of criticism, impatience, resentment and anger and requires me to think the situation through with a genuine interest in the other being as well as myself. If a wholehearted approach is used, everyone comes out the better.

My first and, thus far, most treasured entry in the One Day at A Time book is this:

My attitude toward another – whether drinking or not – can have untold influence on the life of my family. Perhaps, through long drinking years, I acquired the habit of tearing him down, showing my contempt for his actions, indignation at the neglect of obligations. I am responsible for the consequences of such attitudes. Even a little understanding and compassion will show us that our behavior is ego destroying, and the ego of the drinker is already painfully battered by guilt and fear.


I never want to forget that my spouse (loved one), with whatever faults he or she may have, is a child of God, and is therefore entitled to my respect and consideration. I will guard against assuming the role of judge and punisher, for I cannot destroy another person without inflicting great damage on myself.

“It is easy, terribly easy, to shake a man’s faith in himself. To take advantage of that to break a man’s spirit, is devil’s work.” – GB Shaw: CANDIDA


  1. Linda, This is a beautiful post and reminds me to keep living gently. Someone recently was talking to me about some God stuff....deep doctrinal beliefs. I listened and immediately felt heavy and almost fearful. Finally when it was my turn, I said, "I just ask Him each day, 'Show me what to do next.' " For me, that is about all I can manage. I fully trust that He will show me the way, when to let go, when to stand up, when to forgive (always,) and when to bestow His mercy and grace. Bless you as you walk out your broken heart in kindness and love. The ultimate picture of courage and grace.


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