Slowly, And Then All At Once

I've met someone. Someone special.

We have talked long term and we have shared future hopes and dreams. Continuing to live in enjoy each moment as best I can, to use the lessons learned in order to have a more peaceful and fulfilling relationship. Staying sane even when events could send me spiraling with the out of control feeling that is Oh So Very Familiar! I am proud of me and am grateful for the wonderful feelings and experiences. Working the program that has changed my life. If you're not sure, go to Al-anon and give it a try.  What have you got to lose?

I am a guarded person by nature and "jaded" comes to mind when I attempt to describe myself. But that self knowledge has helped me work on those parts. Trying hard not to jump to conclusions and make quick judgments.  Keep an open mind girl!!

The other evening, after having a tough afternoon that included a mini breakdown on the kitchen floor, my special someone came over. I think we ate dinner but I don't remember for sure. Later, he read to me and my girls from a book that my young heart loved dearly.  I laid on the living room floor laughing at the cute short story and thinking, "Could this be for real?"

“As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.” 

It was bound to happen, but if I could pinpoint the moment......that would be it.

Planning on returning the kindness that the universe is bestowing on me.


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