From Victim to Happier

One of the many things that was instrumental in starting the change in the way I think of myself as a victim of circumstance was to watch a TedxBoston video called Sharer of Joy: Nataly Kogan. She was the one who made me realize that despite whatever was going on around me, I could still make a choice to be happy. After watching the video, I quickly downloaded the Happier App that she and her Happier people created. I began to experience a new kind of social media. Slowly building on-line relationships with people from every walk of life and all over the world, who were consciously choosing happiness despite problems with love, health, children, etc. It's a world where I spend 10 minutes each day catching up, encouraging and getting encouragement.

The shift in my thinking has been gradual and started before my Secret Keeper had his mental and physical meltdown. I believe that this shift made a sad transition in my life much more bearable. It helped me realize that my world had not come to an end, it had changed, and I had choices to make in how I perceived the changes.  I feel blessed to have met some really wonderful and unique people that help me to remember that, "Happiness is a Freakin Choice."

Happier also has a web site but, truthfully, it doesn't work nearly as well as the iPhone app. It's well worth a try.

To quote Nataly, "Life is made up of many moments. Choose to create and collect the happy ones."

Be kind people. It's easier than you think♥


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