Dreams and Expectations

Another weekend has passed. Kept as busy as I possibly could.

Had a nice conversation with my secret keeper and made me feel hopeful. Hopeful for him, for his health, for my kids and perhaps for a friendship that's bonded with memories of what once was and with our sweet kids that love us both.

I've been slowly letting go of the old dreams and expectations. From the time I was quite young I envisioned myself in one of the long lasting marriages, with a strong friendship, where we celebrate holidays with our kids, their significant others and tons of grand kids. Joyously watching the next generation basking in the love of their doting grandparents. Over indulging on Christmas morning because we could actually afford it.  These dreams are to be replaced with living for the moment....what will come will come.

I was able to choose happiness a bunch this weekend and I am proud that I can honestly say that God has softened my heart in a way I never thought this angry girl was capable of.  Smiling and laughter comes so much more easily since I started my program in Al-Anon.  Thank you God.... I have much to be grateful for.

Have a great week and don't forget to be kind.


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