
Showing posts from July, 2024

A Journey To Home

My tender hearted girl decided she wanted to foster an old lady. Selkie is 14, is nearly deaf and nearly blind, has a hard time walking and uses her bark to get her needs met.  She got her home, took her for a bath and then basically loved this old girl for three weeks until the property manager decided that it wasn’t a good match (barking too much AND because she is a pit bull).  My girl knew it was probably temporary but she gave that dog a comfortable loving home, away from the chaos of the shelter, for a short time.  Ideally, she would have walked her home but that’s not how it worked this time.  Last night she stood and ugly cried on a strangers shoulder after giving her back.  I love that girl and her sweet heart.  I wish Selkie a new final home full of love. 

Baby Fever

The other day one of the ladies I meet with weekly cancelled with little notice. She was given the opportunity to spend some time with a new grand baby. The baby’s parents had recently reconnected after an extended estrangement.  I told her how very happy I was for her to have to time, to not worry about the cancellation and hoped she stayed present and enjoyed every moment.  She sweetly thanked me, faltered in her speech for a moment, and then expressed to me how sorry she was that I don’t have any grandchildren yet and that she hopes that changes someday. I would be lying if I told you it didn’t feel a little achey but, truthfully, I’m a very happy camper. I truly appreciated her kindness but I can spread my love other ways and I can always hope for the future.  Living in the moment, focusing on what is good (and there is a ton of it) accepting what is….it’s a great way to live.  Happiest of Sundays.